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By agreeing to this document and paying for or RSVPing for this event, you waive certain legal rights, including the right to sue. Please read carefully.

1. Acknowledgment of Risks  I acknowledge that participating in outdoor recreational activities such as hiking involves inherent risks, dangers, and hazards which can result in serious personal injury or death. I fully understand that these risks and dangers may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the activity, or the conditions in which the activity takes place. I am aware that there are natural, mechanical, and environmental conditions and risks which independently or in combination with my activities may result in my being seriously hurt or killed, or my property being damaged. I fully intend to take my own health and safety into my own care and consideration.

2. Fitness to Participate  I affirm that I am physically capable of participating in this hiking event, and I have not been advised otherwise by a medical practitioner. I agree to cease participation if I encounter conditions which I am physically unable to safely continue.

3. Waiver  To the fullest extent allowed by law, I agree to WAIVE AND DISCHARGE CLAIMS AGAINST, RELEASE FROM LIABILITY, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS the MUN Outdoor Adventure Society and its members, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from injuries and damages, even if caused by negligence, in any way connected with this event. I understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying me on the activity.

4. Medical Treatment  In the event of an injury during the activity, I consent to receive medical treatment deemed advisable in the best judgment of emergency personnel and agree that all associated costs will be my responsibility.

5. Photographic Release  I understand that during my participation in this event, I may be photographed or videotaped. I agree to allow my photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the event holders, producers, sponsors, organizers, and assigns.

6. Personal Responsibility  I agree to abide by the rules of the event as posted or otherwise communicated to me. I accept responsibility for the condition and adequacy of my competition equipment and any equipment provided for my use.

7. Readiness to Participate  I have sufficiently prepared for this event and have not withheld any information from the event organizers relevant to my ability to participate.

Singing my name below means I have read to and agreed to the above waiver.

The MUNOAS Logo. A green triangle representing a mountain with 3 parallel green squiggly lines below representing water. In t

Life is a great adventure…accept it in such a spirit

- Theodore Roosevelt

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MUN Outdoor Adventure Society (A MUNSU Registered Society)

1 Arctic Ave
UC - 2000
St. John’s NL A1C 5S7


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